How AI eLearning translation keeps content consistent, on-brand, and localized

When you’re authoring eLearning content for a multilingual audience, you need to make sure that every employee, partner, or customer is equally able to understand your content. 

If your learners aren’t confident about the language your compliance training is delivered in, you might find—for example—that important regulations aren’t being understood. The last thing you want is for your workforce to be uncertain about what to do in the event of a hurricane, or upon discovering evidence of insider trading (or, in every organization’s worst nightmare, both at the same time!).

While it’s essential that you ensure your learners understand your content, doing so is also a fairly low bar for success. There’s so much more that a well-translated learning course can achieve, from infusing content with localized details to preserving the way your all-important brand identity is conveyed. But how can these loftier goals be achieved at scale, when you’ve got large volumes of content to deliver and, potentially, multiple languages in which to deliver it?

The answer lies in the exciting world of generative AI. Read on to discover how the right AI capabilities can result in fast, accurate, and naturalistic eLearning translations.

What do we mean by “AI translation”?

Today’s generative AI technology is built around language. Popular tools like OpenAI’s ChatGPT are large language models (LLMs) that understand and produce human language. They’re trained on enormous quantities of data, and they process that data in such a way as to recognize patterns and generate writing that can appear similar to—or even indistinguishable from—content written by humans.

In practical terms, this means that AI tools like those produced by OpenAI are capable of translating text in a way that feels more natural than some forms of machine translation, and with greater speed and convenience than you’re likely to get from a human translator.

4 key advantages of AI translation

Translation powered by the new wave of AI technology can offer some significant and sophisticated translation benefits.

1) Accurately capture your content’s style and tone

For one thing, generative AI tools—like those produced by OpenAI—can translate content in a range of styles and tones. We’ve all encountered some variation on this in media coverage on ChatGPT’s chatbot, which can mimic the styles of famous authors and take on the personas of historical figures. But when it comes to translation, this AI-powered capability isn’t just a novelty. It’s a way to present learning content to audiences across a range of languages while preserving the brand voice and character that brings your learners together.

2) Achieve on-brand eLearning in every language

Employer branding is well worth getting right. It’s been associated with benefits like employee loyalty—but according to the CIPD, those benefits won’t necessarily be felt if the “attributes and qualities” that make up your brand aren’t apparent to every employee.

Translated eLearning content that reflects your brand identity is a great way to make sure your brand identity is consistently communicated, especially when so much eLearning is dedicated to onboarding and policy training that speaks to the core of your brand.

3) Localize your translated content for extra AI-powered nuance

This more nuanced approach to translation can allow some AI translation tools to introduce an element of localization into the picture. The ability to effortlessly translate text into another language can be undermined if your brilliantly translated content draws on concepts or touchpoints that are specific to the culture or context of just one country. But with the advent of AI tools that can have a stronger grasp of meaning and context, you may just find you’ll be able to introduce an element of automated localization into your translations.

4) Increase your employees’ sense of belonging

Localization isn’t just about adding precision to your learning content—it’s about making workers feel as if they belong. Offering examples and idioms that feel tailored to specific workers or sections of your workforce is a great way to ensure that every employee feels connected to your organization. And, with 94% of employees agreeing that a sense of belonging is important to them, that’s a feeling well worth cultivating.

Did you know? Gomo’s AI translation feature can also translate individual assets

At Gomo, we’re all about making course updates a streamlined process. That’s why we use LMS wrappers to help you deliver instant updates to any course you’ve uploaded to your LMS—and it’s also why our AI translation functionality accommodates single-asset translation.

By taking advantage of a laser-focused approach to individual pieces of translation, you can keep your content up to date without needing to retranslate your entire course.

About the author: Simon Waldram

As Product Manager at Gomo, I’m passionate about delivering value at every interaction and to increase sustainable proven value for our customers and business.

I have extensive experience of working within both the commercial and educational sectors, and approach all projects with a strategic mind.

This combination of education and commercial experience has enabled me to stay at the leading edge of emerging technologies to ensure that customers are provided with a framework for success.

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