How to master eLearning content distribution with Gomo

While Gomo is known for its simple (but powerful) eLearning authoring, that’s only part of the story. Once your learning designers have poured their care and attention into your latest piece of learning content, you’ll want to deliver that content to your LMS with speed and flexibility. It also wouldn’t hurt if the costs were kept to a minimum!

As luck would have it, Gomo’s eLearning delivery process makes distribution as easy as course creation. Let’s take a peek behind the scenes of Gomo Delivery.

Masses of megabytes: The trouble with eLearning file sizes

One of the most common problems organizations encounter when distributing courses is the need for huge file uploads and downloads. Any eLearning course file—and especially those that go heavy on visual assets—can end up becoming pretty substantial.

While this part of the process can be a nuisance in itself, the distribution challenges don’t end there. Plenty of courses will require changes, amendments, or updates: from compliance content that needs to reflect new rules to best practice guides that shift in line with fresh guidance.

Whether these changes are large or small, amendments can call for entire courses to be republished—and, when a course is hundreds of megabytes in size, this creates a drain on resources and can involve a long wait for content updates to take effect.

Make the most of Gomo with our other ‘how-to’ guides. Read on:

How to easily offer multiple languages within a single Gomo course

Revolutionizing eLearning content distribution with the Gomo LMS Wrapper

For Gomo users, issues like this have no real bearing on the day-to-day of their content distribution process—all thanks to Gomo’s handy LMS Wrapper.

The LMS Wrapper dramatically reduces the size of the files created when you output your courses. It doesn’t matter how many hundreds of megabytes you’re dealing with: Gomo’s LMS Wrapper can convert any SCORM course into a file of just 12 kilobytes.

In practical terms, that means there’s no need to worry about the time or cost associated with uploading massive files. Distributing content becomes a lightning-fast process.

Better still, the wrapper’s benefits don’t end when you initially upload a new course. If you need to make any updates, your learners will instantly see the newest version.

The LMS Wrapper explained

So, how does the wrapper actually work?

From a user standpoint, it’s straightforward. In fact, learners won’t be able to tell that their learning material has cleverly sidestepped the time and expense involved in full file uploads! After all, you’re still uploading a file to your LMS, and your learners will still access the content via your LMS.

The difference is simply that your learning content is hosted in the cloud—or, to be specific, it’s hosted within your Gomo Delivery cloud account. Once it’s uploaded to your LMS, the wrapper becomes a portal to your learning content, allowing you to make updates via the cloud that are instantly mirrored across your courses.

Rapid content updates aren’t just convenient—they’re essential. Discover the benefits:

2 key reasons your eLearning authoring tool needs to enable instant content updates

Distribute eLearning content to multiple LMSs with a single upload

The convenience of the LMS Wrapper doesn’t stop with a single LMS. For various reasons, some organizations—especially international ones— will find themselves faced with several different LMSs. This is the kind of situation where our LMS Wrapper shines.

With the help of Gomo Delivery’s handy dashboard, it’s a simple matter to upload those tiny files to multiple LMSs and monitor the various dispatch routes you’re using for each course.

This aspect of the dashboard pairs nicely with the instant, cloud-based content updates that make the wrapper so useful.

It’s not uncommon for some organizations to require slightly different versions of the same course across different LMSs. Not only does our LMS Wrapper allow you to make updates instantly, but the Gomo Delivery dashboard ensures that you only update the courses that need it. This allows you to avoid the cumbersome upload process several times over.

When you’re catering to diverse audiences, it’s handy to maintain several versions of the same course. Read on for some in-depth tips:

How to deliver multiple versions of an eLearning course to different learner groups

It really is that simple

At its heart, Gomo Delivery is all about making the content delivery process as frictionless as possible. Easy to learn, easy to master!

Whether your content uploads and updates are handled by your own IT department or a third-party LMS administrator, time and money are on the line. These high stakes are readily tackled by Gomo’s LMS Wrapper, which keeps your eLearning courses easily updatable for as long as they’re maintained on your LMS.

If you’ve yet to experience the stress-free experience of Gomo content authoring and delivery, now is the time to give it a go.

A version of the blog post was originally published in August 2018. It has been republished with edits reflecting the latest tech updates and best practices.

Start benefiting from the Gomo LMS Wrapper

To find out more about the LMS wrapper, contact our team today.