Gomo authoring tool analytics : 3 facts that will impress your boss

Gomo authoring tool analytics: 3 facts that will impress your boss

Getting content into the hands of your users is easy with the Gomo learning suite, but understanding what your learners are doing with that content is the most important part of the eLearning process. If you’ve had any experience with Gomo, you’ll know how easy it is to create amazing-looking courses in no time.

But what’s the use of that if you don’t know if the content itself is resonating with learners and resulting in the fundamental knowledge that they need? Isn’t that the bit your boss cares about the most? Employees with the knowledge they need to do the best job they can not only means an organization is reaching its goals, but a happier and more fulfilled workforce. A great way to accomplish this is with authoring tool analytics.

So let’s take a look at the analytics function we offer with Gomo and how it can help, with three handy facts that will get your boss on your side – every time! Every course delivered with Gomo is provided with full Experience API (xAPI or Tin Can) analytics that enables users to dig deep into their learner data. Gomo’s detailed built-in analytics means that every single user event is automatically tracked, giving you access to rich and detailed data to analyze and improve your learning programs.

1: Track results even when using your existing LMS

You might have an existing and long-standing SCORM LMS system that isn’t easy to replace. But that doesn’t mean you can’t still make the most of Gomo’s authoring tool analytics capabilities.

With Gomo’s SCORM LMS wrapper, you can embed Gomo courses directly into any SCORM LMS. Once embedded, your courses can be updated instantly without the trouble of republishing, saving you lots of time and hassle when creating eLearning content. Your courses are then tracked with full xAPI (experience API or Tin Can) tracking, giving you far richer data than you'll ever get from your SCORM LMS.​ Handy right?

Your LMS can still be used to provide your compliance and HR data if needed, but Gomo can give you far richer insights into learner behavior. Your LMS might tell you that the pass rate on a course is 75%, but Gomo analytics are detailed enough to tell you, for example, that question 3 is the question most people get wrong. This is how you can drive up results and improve learning outcomes. If everyone gets question 3 wrong, maybe it’s question 3 that’s the problem. Without these insights, you might never get past a 75% score.

Need to know what devices your learners are using or where they’re situated? Gomo can also tell you that most people take the course on a smartphone and are located in New York. This kind of deeper analytical insight goes a long way towards proving the value of your learning programs at board level. Mobile initiatives are far easier to justify when you can see that most users are accessing your course on a smartphone.

2: Collect learner data even when learners are completing courses offline

In today’s busy world, employees are often on the move – whether they’re visiting clients, on the road or working from home. The learning process can be made much more efficient when courses can be accessed by employees wherever they are, at any time of day, rather than being chained to a desktop in an office. The Gomo central app allows users to do this by downloading courses straight to the app on their smartphone or tablet for offline delivery and consumption.

All Gomo content downloaded to the app benefits from the full Experience API (xAPI or Tin Can) analytics tracking, allowing user tracking, quiz scores, device types, and much more – even when the courses have been consumed offline. The app simply records the activity and syncs to the cloud when next connected to the Internet.

So wherever in the world your employees are, on whatever device, whether they’re online or offline, that vital learner data can be collected with minimal fuss.

3: Get more detailed data than you’ve had before

The Gomo analytics dashboard allows users to view reports by date range, device type, geography, and more. The advanced analytics functionality allows for a clear view of trends and the ability to drill down into detailed information on learning taking place.

Detail includes the ability to view information such as who has (or hasn’t) taken the training, whether they completed it, and of those who did, who passed, and who failed. It also tracks exactly when the training took place, what the results were, and even the answers to each individual question. That’s almost anything you need to know! In-house reporting needs are covered too with the ability to export all of this data to Excel.

Access to this level of information enables Gomo users to show the value of their eLearning content development process or, if things aren’t going well, to pinpoint exactly what people are struggling with and why, and make the changes required easily.

Turning analytics into results

It’s not uncommon for organizations to collect this sort of data and not know what to do with it. They will then often ignore this measuring learning impact data completely and move onto rolling out the next piece of training on their to-do list. When this happens, as it so often does, many opportunities to make positive changes are missed. But the question remains: how do you make the most of the data once you’ve got it?

The perfect solution is to start with the basics. At the very least, data collected should inform future revisions of the content. Then, once the new data is collected from the revised course, it should inform the next revision, and so on. If this process is carried out on all courses, a big improvement in the performance of learners would inevitably be seen. Put simply, the more data we have, the better the course we can deliver, and the better the employee will be at their job. This means a happier organization meeting its goals, and happy employees too!

Going deeper with authoring tool analytics

Going deeper than this though, in an ideal world, a Learning and Development (L&D) team should be given the time to unpack the analytics and explore what can be learned from them. If there is a pattern of poor results in a particular area, this can be followed up with a more targeted piece of microlearning. This could be focused and rolled out to the people who need it the most, or adapted to people who have been identified as having different learning styles. If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years, it’s that there is rarely a one-size-fits-all approach to successful eLearning, but access to clear and detailed analytics and an easy-to-use authoring and hosting tool can save time, remove the guesswork and bring any organization closer to its goals.

Contact our team for more information or request a free trial today:

Want to find out more about how to use xAPI data to build better courses?