Gomo feature updates 2023: 6 releases that put ease and accessibility at the heart of content authoring

2023 has seen a wealth of authoring tool enhancements built around helping Gomo customers create polished, feature-rich, and accessibility-first learning content. And there’s plenty to look forward to in the year ahead, as Gomo embraces the power of generative AI and a more robust infrastructure.

If you missed any of our exciting 2023 releases, don’t panic! Read on for the edited highlights of the year—and stick around for a sneak peek of what’s to come in the not-too-distant future.

6 key feature updates and improvements from 2023

Gomo is always evolving to better suit your needs, and that impulse has been stronger than ever in a year dominated by accessibility enhancements and new levels of convenience. Across our favorite updates, you’ll find new ways to take advantage of Gomo’s straightforwardness and sophistication—not to mention our usual high standards for visual presentation.

So, what exciting new features can you now use to enhance your learning content, streamline course distribution, and cement learner credentials? We’ve compiled a list of our top six 2023 releases to answer all these questions (and more!):

1) Accessibility improvements

Achieving accessibility is a never-ending challenge: there will always be new ways to improve and innovate in the push for inclusivity. That said, we’ve made fantastic strides throughout the year to make sure Gomo-created content can be experienced and enjoyed by as many learners as possible.

2023 also saw Gomo release the details of its first Voluntary Product Accessibility Template® (or VPAT®). The audit was a milestone in itself, as it introduced a new degree of transparency to Gomo’s level of accessibility conformance—ensuring users are crystal clear on how the platform can help them produce accessible content. The audit’s report also highlighted several key areas in which Gomo’s features allow for a more accessible experience, including:

Accompanied by a string of accessibility improvements across the platform, the release of Gomo’s fully transparent VPAT® report represents a commitment to accessible practices and functionality that’ll continue to define Gomo in the months and years ahead.

2) Publishing content directly to Bridge Learn

Gomo is all about creating and distributing content as seamlessly as possible—and 2023 saw new ways to achieve that seamlessness thanks to a deepened relationship with our sister company, Bridge.

Gomo users with Bridge accounts can now publish content directly to Bridge’s LMS at the press of a button (and update it just as easily). With this change, users will have complete control over the content journey, from ideation to publication, without the administrative inconvenience of uploading, downloading, and locating SCORM files along the way.

Add a little streamlining to your content creation workflows:

How to make course authoring more efficient: From creation to distribution

3) Reworked comic strip asset

Fans of Gomo’s comic strip asset will be pleased to learn that a new and improved version was introduced to the world in 2023. It’s more responsive and fully interactive on every screen size and device type.

This change is also a prime example of Gomo’s accessibility commitments in action. Learners can now interact with comic strips via keyboard navigation alone, and it’s also been revamped to allow for a much-improved screen reader experience.

4) Font uploader

Gomo users can now upload and use any custom fonts they have the license to, including their own corporate fonts, completely free of charge. 

This is a fantastic move for organizations looking to maintain their brand identities down to a granular level—especially if they have multiple brands that need to individually present a distinct identity through their learning.

Supported font formats include:

  • WOFF
  • WOFF2
  • TTF
  • OTF

5) Print to PDF

Ever wanted to give your learners the power to export specific course screens as downloadable PDFs? That’s exactly what Gomo can bring to the table.

This option is now available from the navigation and tracking settings within every screen, allowing authors to choose when a learner can export a section of your content. The process can also be controlled from the Gomo actions menu, sitting alongside familiar actions like playing audio assets or inserting web links.

6) Defining attempts in SCORM

Gomo users now have the option to define “attempts” in both SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004. You can define what an “attempt” means and, crucially, how it’s recorded—ensuring that every attempt will be recorded as you expect it to be.

Here’s what customers had to say about Gomo in 2023

Gomo’s powerful features and growing capabilities impact customers every day, and 2023 brought with it some fantastic stories about how Gomo makes eLearning work for some high-profile organizations.

Gomo’s renowned ease of use was felt by Josh Novelle, Senior Director of People Experience and Insights at Warner Music Group. He noted that:

Partnering with Gomo for our in-house content creation needs has allowed us to remove the roadblocks for our SMEs. We’re able to centrally set the standards, accessibility, and language requirements for our content, ensuring that SMEs don’t get bogged down in the authoring world and allowing them to focus on getting their invaluable knowledge into the hands of our people.”

While Warner Music Group felt the benefits of Gomo’s straightforwardness from an authoring perspective, pub and brewery chain Greene King described the value of Gomo’s responsiveness and instant updates from a learner point of view. Its bar and restaurant workers needed constantly updated information on their mobile devices during the pandemic—and, with Gomo’s help, Greene King was able to deliver exactly that.

Sarah Talbot, Learning Design Manager at Greene King, explained that:

During the pandemic, changing legislation about how to run and open pubs created a huge training challenge. When new legal decisions were made, we didn’t get any more notice than the general UK public, leading to a need for constant and rapid course updates. This was a perfect example of the ease and agility that Gomo provides, and it felt great to have the confidence that we could make meaningful updates without any fuss.”

Get the details on how Gomo helped Greene King manage challenging training requirements:

Relevant and responsive: How Greene King catered to a multi-device audience amid continual legislative change

Looking ahead: Future releases for 2024

There’s plenty for you to look forward to in 2024. We’ve been working behind the scenes to leverage the latest technologies and upgrade our tech framework—a combination that’ll leave you ready to unleash better content than ever before. Let’s take a look.

AI translation

Looking for a way to translate your learning content without the hassle of sending it to a translation agency? In 2024, Gomo’s got you covered. Gomo’s excellent support for multi-language courses will soon be supplemented by sophisticated and naturalistic auto-translation, courtesy of OpenAI—the organization behind ChatGPT.

Whether you’re looking to translate individual text elements or entire courses, our new AI translation feature will be on hand to do the heavy lifting for you.

That doesn’t mean XLIFF exporting is going anywhere! You can still send exports to a translation agency, whether you’re starting from scratch or using them as a quality assurance layer on your AI-powered translations.

Automated course summaries and learning objectives

Still not got enough AI for your eLearning needs? 2024 will also see the release of AI support for content creation. Use generative AI to produce learning objectives, conclusions, and content summaries derived from your learning designers’ work.

This upcoming feature is the perfect way to realize AI’s central promise of streamlining workflows and taking some of the administrative work out of eLearning—and it’s all powered by your own OpenAI account.

New table asset

Gomo’s upcoming table asset is a big deal in its own right: it’s going to give you access to a whole new way to present content in a table-like manner. But that’s not the only exciting aspect of this new feature.

The table asset has been built with a React-based framework: a modern architecture that’ll allow for accelerated asset releases moving forward. It’s not just a table: it’s a glimpse into Gomo’s future. And the future looks good!

Dates and timestamps

Sometimes, it can be helpful for learners to show exactly when they completed a course—especially for certification purposes. That’s why we’re working on a feature that allows authors to display the current date and timestamp.

This upcoming feature pairs nicely with 2023’s PDF exporting feature, allowing learners to show when they got their certification, with the dates to prove it!

About the author: Simon Waldram

As Product Manager at Gomo, I’m passionate about delivering value at every interaction and to increase sustainable proven value for our customers and business.

I have extensive experience of working within both the commercial and educational sectors, and approach all projects with a strategic mind.

This combination of education and commercial experience has enabled me to stay at the leading edge of emerging technologies to ensure that customers are provided with a framework for success.

Ready to try out the new wave of Gomo capabilities?

Request a demo to feel the power of Gomo’s latest upgrades, or experience its enhancements for yourself with a free trial.