Webinar: Why responsive eLearning is vital in the modern workplace

September 14, 3:30pm BST/9:30am CT

Responsiveness in eLearning is nothing new, and the benefits for learners are difficult to deny. Why then do so many have to make do without?

Workplaces have changed considerably over the last few years, and responsive, engaging, access-anywhere content is more important than ever for organizations who want to maximize learning uptake and results.

In this webinar from Gomo’s Huw Edwards, you will discover:

  • Why responsive eLearning is essential
  • Why you don’t need to choose between dynamic desktop eLearning and simple responsive mobile courses (spoiler: you can have the best of both worlds!)
  • What great responsive eLearning looks like, with visual examples and stories from our customers
  • What responsive course creation looks like in Gomo