Learning design and content authoring tips and tricks

Inspiring you to create eLearning that leaves an impression on your learners

4 learning design tricks that create better compliance eLearning

Though there’s certainly a good amount of unengaging, by-the-numbers compliance courses out there in the corporate world, smart eLearning authors know that this doesn’t always have to be the case. Compliance content can be just as interesting as it is important! Here are four simple ways to make courses people will want to take.

4 learning design tricks that create better compliance eLearning Read more

How to easily offer multiple languages within a single Gomo course

Gomo lets you build multiple language layers within every course you author, and it’s a feature that you won’t have to dig to find! Read on to discover how to add more languages to your courses, and start creating modules that speak to everyone.

How to easily offer multiple languages within a single Gomo course Read more

How to deliver multiple versions of an eLearning course to different learner groups

One of the major challenges of eLearning design is having to write for very large audiences, who vary a great deal, while still creating content that is compelling and appropriate for every member of the learner group. Discover the two-part process that can help us to deliver multiple versions of an eLearning course.

How to deliver multiple versions of an eLearning course to different learner groups Read more

How simple eLearning project structure sets you up for success

“Keep it simple, stupid” is a phrase everyone knows, but actually applying it to our work isn’t always straightforward. In this article, we explore the how and why of simple eLearning project structures and discover that simplicity isn’t the death of ambition.

How simple eLearning project structure sets you up for success Read more