Gomo events and webinars

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Gomo authoring feature demo: Assessments and course completion

Assessments are a key part of eLearning design. With the right features and functionality, you can ensure that they’re as engaging and effective as possible. Find out how to add assessments to your Gomo courses in this demo.

Gomo authoring feature demo: Assessments and course completion Read more


Gomo authoring feature demo: Variables and display conditions

Tailoring a content experience for learners based on their interaction is a great way to keep your eLearning dynamic, engaging, and effective. Find out how to take your Gomo courses to the next level using variables and display conditions in this demo.

Gomo authoring feature demo: Variables and display conditions Read more


Why responsive eLearning is vital in the modern workplace

September 14, 3:30pm BST/9:30am CT

Workplaces have changed considerably over the last few years, and responsive, engaging, access-anywhere content is more important than ever for organizations who want to maximize learning uptake and results.

Why responsive eLearning is vital in the modern workplace Read more


How Bridge LMS enables employee growth and continuous skill development

August 3rd, 3:30pm BST / 9:30 CT

Join Gomo and Bridge as we discuss why developmentally-minded organizations share two traits: first, their employees, managers, and leaders are continually learning how to help each other grow; and second, they create space for feedback, upskilling, goal setting, and conversation.

How Bridge LMS enables employee growth and continuous skill development Read more


5 ways to supercharge your eLearning culture

This webinar will help your L&D departments take a step back and identify better ways to make sure your eLearning courses motivate people to learn. In turn, you’ll be able to create a solid culture of learning where employees can grow and help the company succeed.

5 ways to supercharge your eLearning culture Read more